Commodity trading adds crucial diversification to traditional investment portfolios, which helps increase returns while reducing risk. At RJO Futures, our commodity brokers give you the highest quality assistance in executing trades in crops, energy, metals, currencies and other commodities. We urge you to review the backgrounds and extensive experience of our brokers and to select the commodity broker whose approach best meshes with your own investing style and goals. Together, you will create a dynamic partnership for executing profitable commodities transactions.
The RJO Futures parent company, R.J. O’Brien, was founded nearly a century ago. RJO is both the oldest and the largest independent futures commission merchant, not only in the United States, but in the world. We have a long tradition of exceptional client service, along with skillful risk management to protect your assets.
An RJO commodities broker has the professional experience in both fundamental and technical analysis. Our brokers have their own individual investment styles, but all strive to get you the best returns no matter what the prevailing market conditions may be at any given time. They will assist you in identifying the best time to enter and to leave a market, always with an eye on the risk/reward ratios.
RJO Futures gives our clients all the resources they need for success. In addition to our self-directed accounts, we also offer the option of managed futures accounts for both individual and institutional investors. All our clients have access to our vast array of both proprietary and syndicated commodity research, including free daily email subscriptions and access to our extensive research archives.
We pride ourselves on our long tradition of service to investors, but we never rest on our laurels. We always strive to provide the best service, assistance and information to our clients.