RJOF Economic Weekly Reports  2018

Date Day Time                                                                                        Prior Consensus
4/30 Mon. 7:30 AM Personal Income and Outlays  0.4%  
    8:45 AM Chicago PMI 57.4 57.9
    9:00 AM Pending Home Sales Index 3.1%  
    9:30 AM Dallas Fed Mfg Survey 12.7  
5/1 Tue.      FOMC Meeting Begins     
    7:55 AM Redbook 2.6%  
    8:45 AM PMI Manufacturing Index 55.6 56.5
    9:00 AM ISM Mfg Index 59.3 58.6
    9:00 AM Construction Spending 0.1% 0.50%
5/2 Wed. 6:00 AM MBA Mortgage Applications  -0.2%  
    7:15 AM ADP Employment Report 241000 190000
    9:30 AM EIA Petrolium Status Report 1.4M brls  
    1:00 PM FOMC Meeting Announcement    
5/3 Thur. 6:30 AM Challenger Job-Cut Report 60357  
    7:30 AM International Trade $-57.6B $-49.9 B
    7:30 AM Jobless Claimes  209K 224K
    7:30 AM Productivity and Costs  0.0% 0.9%
    8:45 AM Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index  57.5  
    8:45 AM PMI Services Index 54.0 54.4
    9:00 AM Fatory Orders  1.2% 1.3%
    9:00 AM ISM Non-Mfg Index  58.8 58.4
    9:30 AM EIA Natural Gas Report -18 bcf  
5/4 Fri. 7:30 AM Employment Situation 103000 190000
    12:00 PM Baker-Hughes Rig Count 1106  
    6:00 PM Randal Quarles Speaks     
Source: Bloomberg.com      


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