RJOF Economic Weekly Reports  2018

Date Day Time                                                                                        Prior Consensus
8/13 Mon.        
    10:00 AM 4-Week Bill Announcement    
8/14 Tue.           
    5:00 AM NFIB Small Business Optimism Index 107.2 107.1
    7:30 AM Import and Export Prices -0.4 % 0.10%
    7:55 AM Redbook  5.6 %  
8/15 Wed.        
    6:00: AM MBA Mortgage Applications    
    7:30 AM Retail Sales  0.5 % 0.1 %
    7:30 AM Empire State Mfg Survey 22.6 20.0
    7:30 AM Productivity and Costs  0.4 % 2.5 %
    8:15 AM Industrial Production  0.6 %  0.3 %
    9:00 AM Atlanta Fed Business Inflation Expectations    
    9:00 AM Business Inventories 0.4 % 0.1 %
    9:00 AM Housing Market Index 68  68 
    9:30 AM EIA Petroleum Status Report -1.4 M barrels  
    3:00 PM Treasury International Capital    
8/16 Thur.        
      Weekly Bill Settlement    
    7:30 AM Housing Starts 1.173 M 1.271 M
    7:30 AM Jobless Claims  213 K 215 K
    7:30 AM Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey 25.7 22.5
    9:30 AM EIA Natural Gas Report  46 bcf  
    10:00 AM 3-Month Bill Announcement    
    10:00 AM 6-Month Bill Announcement    
    3:30: PM Fed Balance Sheet    
    3:30: PM Money Supply    
8/17 Fri.        
    9:00 AM Consumer Sentiment 97.9 97.9
    9:00 AM E-Commerce Retail Sales  3.9 %  
    9:00 AM Leading Indicators 0.50% 0.40%
    12:00 PM Baker-Hughes Rig Count  1266   
Source: Bloomberg.com      

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