RJOF Economic Weekly Reports  2018

Date Day Time                                                                                        Prior Consensus
10/29 Mon.        
    7:30 AM Personal Income and Outlays    
    8:45 AM Charles Evans Speaks    
    9:30 AM Dallas Mfg Survey 28.1 28
    10:00 AM 4-Week Bill Announcement    
    10:00 AM 8-Week Bill Announcement    
    10:30 AM 3-Month Bill Auction    
    10:30 AM 6-Month Bill Auction    
10/30 Tue.           
    7:55 AM Redbook    
    8:00 AM S&P Corelogic Case-Shiller HPI .1% .1%
    9:00 AM Consumer Confidence 138.4 136.3
    9:00 AM State Street Investor Confidence Index    
    10:30 AM 4-Week Bill Auction    
    10:30 AM 8-Week Bill Auction    
    2:00 PM Farm Prices    
10/31 Wed.        
      2-Yr FRN Note Settlement    
      2-Yr Note Settlement    
      5-Yr Note Settlement    
      7-Yr Note Settlement    
    6:00 AM MBA Mortgage Applications    
    7:15 AM ADP Employment Report 230000 178000
    7:30 AM Employment Cost Index .6% .7%
    7:30 AM 3-Yr Note Announcement    
    7:30 AM 10-Yr Note Announcement    
    7:30 AM 30-Yr Bond Announcement    
    7:30 AM Treasury Refunding Announcement    
    8:45 AM Chicago PMI 60.4 60
    9:30 AM EIA Petroleum Status Report    
11/1 Thur.        
      Weekly Bill Settlement    
      8-Week Bill Settlement    
    6:30 AM Challenger Job-Cut Report    
    7:30 AM Jobless Claims 215k 212k
    7:30 AM Productivity and Costs 2.90% 2.30%
    7:30 AM Wholesale Inventories    
    8:45 AM PMI Manufacturing Index 55.6 55.9
    9:00 AM ISM Mfg Index 59.8 59.1
    9:00 AM Construction Spending 0.10% 0.30%
    9:30 AM EIA Natural Gas Report    
    10:00 AM 3-Month Bill Announcement    
    10:00 AM 6-Month Bill Announcement    
    10:00 AM 52-Week Bill Announcement    
    3:30 PM Fed Balance Sheet    
    3:30 PM Money Supply    
11/2 Fri.        
    7:30 AM Employment Situation 134000 190000
    7:30 AM International Trade  -53.2B  -53.4B
    9:00 AM Factory Orders 2.30% 0.40%
    12:00 PM Baker-Hughes Rig Count    

RJOF Editorial Team