Corn and soybeans both have corrected lower this week after nearly a month straight of moving higher. The reason for the move higher was mainly driven by demand, mainly from China. Sales announcements that were once coming in daily, have dwindled and harvest has been off to a very quick start for the majority of the country, which has resulted in a pull back this week. Looking to next week, I don’t expect a ton of movement prior to Wednesdays Quarterly Grain Stocks report. Traders are looking for 576 Million bushels for soybeans on Wednesday report compared to last years 909 million bushels. For corn, traders see Wednesday’s quarterly grains stocks coming in at 2.25 billion bushels, compared to last years 2.221 billion bushels. Typically, this time of year is when we see large commercial selling into harvest as well as the charts currently being damaged and turning negative. Wednesday’s report should provide some volatility, so options might be the best route to take when playing this coming report.

Corn Dec ’20 Daily Chart
Soybeans Dec ’20 Daily Chart

If you’d like to learn about the opportunities that exist in the grain markets right now, please request our exclusive Agricultural Investor Kit. If you have any further questions or needs, please contact Tony Cholly at 1-800-826-2270 or email him at

Our Grain Investor Kit Includes:

– In-Depth Fundamental Analysis and News on What is Currently Moving the Grain Markets
– Technical Analysis Overview with Possible Outcomes
– Analysis on Current Trends and Opportunities in the Market and How to Take Advantage of Them
 – Historical Charts and Data Outlining Historic Prices and Trends

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Tony Cholly

Senior Market Strategist

Tony majored in Economics at Eastern Illinois University. He performed his thesis on the market price of corn in the market and the factors that affect it. Tony was drawn to futures trading because of the opportunity to have financial gains in an economic environment. He prides himself on working with customers one-on-one and developing a trading strategy based on the client's needs and wants.

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