Gold futures have fallen early this morning as we saw treasury yields rise and it’s threatening to halt a 3 consecutive session rise. However, gold is still on pace to have its best week in nearly 5-months. December gold is currently trading at $1772.30 at the time of this writing, about $28 off the recent highwater mark of about $1800. All-in-all December gold is still on pace to make a 1% gain on the week, so gold bulls can’t be too upset. Analysts attest that the recent run in gold has been partially fueled by the diminished value of the dollar as the market is flooded with money coupled with the Fed holding interest rates artificially low. This could change soon though as the Fed has signaled they will taper their bond buying in the coming months. Keep an eye on gold today and the coming weeks and check back for more updates.

Gold Dec ’21 Daily Chart

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