While a lot of the U.S. is on vacation ahead of the Christmas holiday, the Dow Jones is not, in fact, it’s putting in overtime. The Dow jumped 100 points as the markets opened after China decided to reduce tariffs. While the Dow came out firing, the rest of the U.S. equities markets lagged behind, but still made small gains. The S&P 500 was up .1% and the Nasdaq was up .2% as the opening bells rang Monday morning. In other good news, China announced Monday morning that it will cut back import tariffs on what amounts to 859 products from the consumer, food, and electronic sectors. This decision is a good step forward in our ongoing trade issues with China.

In the U.S., Disney stock was surprisingly down .9% after the release of the latest Star Wars film, The Rise of Skywalker which brought in a whopping $374 million opening weekend, which was still behind expectations. It will be interesting to see where this goes as steam for the movie picks up.

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